How to help us

Our Friends

Become a friend of the Association

Attend our events

We organize a large number of different events throughout the year.

By attending one of our events, you can become better acquainted with the Association and our goals as well as providing essential financial support for our projects.

Make a donation and become a "Friend of Femmes d’Europe"

Our fundraising events do not always cover the growing number of aid requests from Europe and all over the world. Your donations are therefore always welcome and greatly appreciated.

How do I make a donation?

Donations are payable by bank transfer and two bank accounts are available:

• the account of ’Friends of Femmes d’Europe Fund’,
BE10 0000 0000 0404, with the number 017/1610/00025 in the reference field (’communication structurée’ if from a Belgian account);
This fund is hosted by the King Baudouin Foundation and donations from €40 give right to a tax deduction of 45% on the total amount donated annually.
The Foundation will issue a tax certificate to this effect.

• Femmes d’Europe’s account,
BE47 3100 7081 9180 with the reference Donation.

Contact us: