Brunch Bloomsday à l’ambassade d’Irlande

Jeudi 13 juin de 12h30 à 14h30 sur inscription

Le Bloomsday nous célébrons l’œuvre de l’écrivain irlandais James Joyce. Son roman Ulysses décrit une journée de la vie de Leopold Bloom à Dublin en juin 1904. Aujourd’hui, le Bloomsday est célébré partout dans le monde.

En plus du brunch, l’événement Bloomsday proposera de la musique avec le ténor Dr Páidí Ó Dubháin et des lectures de Joyce par le Groupe de Théâtre Irlandais (Irish Theatre Group).

Participation : 39 € par personne

Les places sont limitées, alors inscrivez-vous tôt pour éviter toute déception !

Contact : Marian D. Conneely

Il s’agit d’un événement caritatif ; tous les bénéfices seront reversés aux projets financés par
Association Femmes d’Europe ‘Helping those in need’.

Si vous ne pouvez pas y assister, un don sera également très apprécié.

Photos de l’événement

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
1 - Maura Carroll and Pat O’Loghlen

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
2 - Maura Carroll and Pat O’Loghlen

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
3 - Anne Missir de Luisignan & Christiane Nastri in conversation with Constance Cazals

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
4 - James Joyce books on display

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
5 - Carol Wright with Ambassador Kevin Conmy at front Jill Hawkes and Maddi van Amstel behind

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
6 - Jacqueline O’Connor, Pernette Amri and Patricia Cendrowicz front
Beatrijs Lefevre standing at the back

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
7 - Catherine Reychlerleft facing Nora Hautain & Constance Cazals

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
12 - Jacqueline O’Connor, Pernette Amri and Patricia Cendrowicz

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
13 - Irish Ambassador Conmy, Carol Wright and Jill Hawkes, right and Jacqueline O’ Connor, left

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
14 - Irish Ambassador Conmy, Carol Wright and Jill Hawkes, right and Jacqueline O’ Connor, left

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
16 - Miguel Puente and Manuel Rossi on left facing their wives Eva Peña & Nuria Adan

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
19 - Joanna Betson & Maddi van Amstel

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
22 - Nora Hautain, Niovi Kyraziakou and Constance Cazals

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
23 - Nora Hautain, Niovi Kyraziakou and Constance Cazals

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
25 - Irish Ambassador Kevin Conmy and Sharon Mahony

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
26 - Irish Ambassador Kevin Conmy

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
27 - Sharon Mahony inaugurates at the Bloomsday Brunch

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
29 - Jill Hawkes

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
31 - Elan Ward & Sharon Mahony with Embassy staff Claire Devaney and Svitlana Paramonova

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
32 - Elan Ward and Sharon Mahony with Embassy staff Claire Devaney and Svitlana Paramonova

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
33 - Tenor Dr Páidí Ó Dubháin sings poems by James Joyce

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
34 - Tenor Dr Páidí Ó Dubháin sings poems by James Joyce

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
35 - Tenor Dr Páidí Ó Dubháin sings poems by James Joyce

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
36 - Emer Nic Cnaimhin and Kevin Leyton with Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
39 - Sharon introduces William Mulherin of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
40 - William Mulherin and Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
41 - William Mulherin and Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
42 - William Mulherin of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
43 - William Mulherin from the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
44 The Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
45 The Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
46 The Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
47 The Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
48 from left : Boff Muir, Beatrijs Lefevre Catherine Sternemann, Elan Ward, Sharon Mahony
Thank you to the Irish team !

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
49 - Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
50 - William Mulherin of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
51 - Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
52 - Niovi Kyraziakou, Nuria Adan and her husband Manuel Rossi

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
54 - Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
56 - Noreen Doyle of the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
57 Sharon Mahony thanks the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
58 Sharon Mahony thanks the Irish Theatre Group

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
59 - Pat O’Loghlen and Fiona Joyce

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
60 - Maura Carroll, Marian D. Conneely, William Mulherin, Fiona Joyce, Noreen Doyle, Pat O’ Loghlen

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
61 - Maura Carroll, Marian D. Conneely, William Mulherin, Fiona Joyce, Noreen Doyle, Pat O’ Loghlen

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
62 - Maura Carroll and Irish Ambassador Conmy, Fiona Joyce on the back

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
63 - Nikoleta Chalanoult and Niovi Kyraziakou

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
64 - Beatrijs Lefevre, Pat O’ Loghlen, Maura Carroll, Sharon Mahony, Fiona Joyce, Irish Ambassador Conmy, Maeve Doran-Schiratti

Bloomsday Brunch at the Embassy of Ireland
65 - Beatrijs Lefevre, Pat O’ Loghlen, Maura Carroll, Sharon Mahony, Fiona Joyce, Irish Ambassador Conmy, Maeve Doran-Schiratti


Ambassade d’Irlande à Bruxelles


Rue Froissart 50, B- 1040 Brussels

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