Charity Bridge Tournament organized by the Irish Group
Tuesday 21 May 2019 from 13:45 to 20:00
Registration required
All proceeds go to support projects funded by Association Femmes D’Europe aisbl
On Tuesday 21 May 2019
Registration from 13H45 . Play begins 14H.30 sharp.
Coffee will be served between 13h45 and 14h15.
Afternoon tea/cocktail dinatoire and prize- giving will follow play.
Cost: €35 per person. Payment by 10 May at the latest, mentioning your and your partner’s names and “Irish Bridge”, to the Association’s account number:: BE47 310-0708191-80 .
Receipt of payment guarantees participation.
Non players partaking of the Cocktail Dinatoire should arrive at 18H30. Cost: €20.
Only members can view certain details of this event.