Spring Lunch
Organized by the UK Group with Bring and Buy Sale in Overijse
Come any time between 11.00 and 16.00 to this friendly and sociable event.
Kitchen open all day for drinks and fabulous cakes/desserts.
Delicious homemade buffet lunch served from 11.30-15.00.
For sale : Books, plants, homemade food, Chinese ware, socks, garden ornaments, small treasures, head & shoulders massage, and more !
To donate homemade food, books or plants (cuttings or seedlings) :
Rosemary Collins (Overijse) : 02 687 2495 (rcollins.be@gmail.com)
Jill Hawkes (Brussels) : 02 242 1463 (jill.hawkes@gmail.com)
Contact Rosemary Collins if you need directions.
All proceeds from the day will go to our humanitarian projects